Friday, September 24, 2010

Nothing too exciting...

I don't have much to report or share this week. Seems to have been a pretty normal week for the most part, although work seemed to be exceptionally stressful. They say ignorance is bliss, but for someone else it's most likely a headache, and stupidity? Well, let's just say there's no excuse for it. I won't beleaguer anyone with the details, but if you ever want to, I'll provide full information. Some of the stories are quite funny really. 

My plans this weekend are to work for a few hours Saturday (surprise, surprise), then come home, clean my house, catch up on some reading and try and relax some. Sunday I'm picking up my sister from Johnson and driving down to my parents and we're all going to go to the orchard and pick apples, maybe have some hot apple cider to really get into the swing of fall.  Hopefully the weather outside will permit and the air will have the right chilly crisp to give the full effect. 

Sunday night I'll be heading back home, finishing up any homework left to do, heading to bed, and starting the grind all over again. I don't even want to think about it though. Right now, I am just so looking forward to the weekend.  

So today, when you are feeling that twinge of stress, just stop, close your eyes, take a deep breath, hold it in for a second and think not about all the things you don't have in life, but about the amazing things you do have: your friends, family, health and the beautiful world around you; smile and let it out. Remember that when you feel like it can't get any worse, think of that glass half full, not half empty and say to yourself, "it's only going to get better from here!"


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